15 January 2014

J is for...

J is for Jellyfish Jelly Sandwich. This was suggested by a friend of mine and @pimpmynubss on Instagram respectively, I also used a tutorial from Polish Pals over her Jellyfish Nails that she did for this challenge as well. When @pimpmynubss suggested I do jelly sandwich I though I really should as I've never done one before, looking through my stash (that has grown significantly since the last time I counted) I realized I own only two jelly polishes one of which I received for Christmas. Now the picture didn't turn out as well as I would have liked but I was taking it in my truck while I sat on campus waiting for my next class to start. I will start messing with the lighting when I'm on campus to find out where I need to take my pictures because when I leave in the morning it is too dark to take a good picture and same thing when I finally get home, especially once soccer season starts. So on class days the pictures will be iffy for a while as I figure out what will work best for me, although because of my course load once I get farther into the semester I will most likely only be painting my nails every other day so hopefully that will make it better.
Also excuse my dry and icky cuticles the winter weather, no matter how little we have gotten here, has not been kind on my hands. I'm going to be using my cuticle remover tonight (if not tomorrow) so that should clean up that problem.

Keep polished and shining!
Follow me on instagram: khowell93 (and if you do let me know you are from my blog and I will follow you back)
Wanna talk? Kik me: khowell93 (again let me know you are from my blog)

xo SmellsLikeNailPolish

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