06 January 2014

Coral Reef by Sally Hansen and Vibrant Violet by Sally Hansen

Before I get into anything else I am just going to say that I love Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear nail polishes and seeing as I own 28 I better love them, they are so affordable and the product is definitely better than what you would expect for the price seeing as it is only $3-$5, I will admit I just Googled that because I'm unsure of the price at this moment. Because of the problems I will list in a minute with each polish they both get pushed into my hardly use pile. Without further ado I will lead into my reviews.
Coral Reef
So this colour is going to be the base for some nail art I'm doing tonight, which is a good thing given the fact that the brush totally sucks making it to where it looks like I have absolutely no clue as how to apply nail polish. It took three coats to make this polish look decent which had it been applied with a good brush it would have only taken two coats.
Just a few swatches to show the colour of this polish after I got everything applied.

Another Swatch to try and show the true colour, unfortunately I didn't put this colour on until after the sun had set so a day time photo of this was out of the question. 
The bottle of Sally Hansen's Coral Reef. I've worn this polish all of two times because of how difficult the brush is to work with and you can see how much has been used in it.

The brush, sadly I was not able to get a picture that shows just how deformed this brush is but if you click on the photo it will pop up bigger and you will be able to see a bit better how horrendous this brush is. I will try for a better shot but this was the best out of 10+.

Vibrant Violet by Sally Hansen
Now this colour I've worn probably a maximum of once! Why so few you ask? Well that would be because this polish separates like no other! I was just walking about my room and saw that it was separated again! I have to shake this polish up every few days if I want it to stay together and even then it's of hardly any use because this polish is going to separate regardless of what I do. Don't get me wrong I adore the colour that is is but with all that separation how am I supposed to use it? Now stupidly as I was writing this, you know how I said that I was walking around my room and saw how separated it was? Well I shook it up because that's what you do when the pigment separates from the suspension base. So I will post pictures of this polish in the bottle to show you how badly it separates and I will not shake it up at any point during the time I'm documenting it. I will post my first picture tonight of how it looks post shaking with pigment clumps floating around in it and then I will post another picture a month from now to show the separation.
As you can see it's still not the best in terms of being together but it is a LOT better than when I had initially picked it up.

If you look at the end of my stick really closely you can see where the pigment is clumped up some.

Not transitioning from the previous topic felt awkward so I had to add that header. As I said I am a loyal Sally Hansen Nail Polish Owner owning 28 polishes from the Xtreme Wear line and a total of 50 from any of their nail polish lines, I honestly think that is a quarter of my collection! I will probably be contacting Sally Hansen's PR so that they can know about the products they have on the market and check the batches to ensure that they are properly dealt with.

Much love beauts!
Follow me on instagram: khowell93 (and if you do let me know you are from my blog and I will follow you back)
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