17 December 2012

Nails from a long time!

As promised here are some of my favorite nails that I've done over the last several months, yet I still feel as though I am missing some.

I did these for Breast Cancer Awareness month back in October. I have a simple glitter placement awareness ribbon and pinky with glitter placement. My pointer finger has SGK, for Susan G. Koman, with "SH" and "JM" around it in honor of two fabulous ladies that fought and beat breast cancer. My middle finger says "hope" with little awareness ribbons around it. My ring is plain pink.

Much like my BCA nails this is an awareness manicure. This is for PCOS. PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a condition that is all to often over looked. It's missed/irregular periods, body hair growing on the belly, chest, face, and around the nipples, decreased breast size, enlargement of the clitoris, thinning of the hair on the head, voice gets deeper, acne gets worse, dark or thick skin markings and creases around armpit, groin, neck and breasts. How many of those things would you overlook because it's not too scary? How about if I told you that PCOS can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight gain and obesity, endometrial cancer, infertility, and breast cancer. What sucks the most about PCOS is that you don't even have to have all the symptoms, like with everything else, you can just have one and over look it because you were uninformed about it. It's a scary thing but it can be helped with treatments. Want to learn more about it? Visit one of these sites to learn more.

Now that I've had my spill about PCOS and why you should be informed, and trust me that was only a portion of the information that I normally give, I will tell about my nails, not that they aren't really self explanatory. 
Thumb-glitter placement awareness ribbon (teal
Pointer-PCOS (so that people will ask about it)
Middle-a turtle, the symbol for fertility (what many women with PCOS have trouble with)
Ring-Plain Teal
Pinky-glitter placement with teal glitters

DS Extravagance by OPI this colour is simply AMAZING! I am in love with it and I hope that in a hundred years when I die that my family will have this colour put on my nails for me to wear for all eternity.

I went to see Karmin for a concert this fall and these are the nails I did for them. 
Thumb-using their symbol
Pointer and Pinky-they tend to do polka dots a lot!
Middle-based off their song "broken hearted"
Ring-based off their song "Hello"

So I am in a relationship with this amazing guy and we are in a long distance relationship, LDR for short. He lives in England and I live in the United States and this was just a cute way for me to celebrate our anniversary. Totally simple but really cute. <3 :)

So that is it. I will update tomorrow with my mani of the day because I have to do a Christmas mani for my choir Christmas concert! I will talk to y'all tomorrow! xoxoxo

P.S. did you notice the name change? Well that's because I have a new tumblr that I post my nails to! Here is the link!
P.S.S. Did you notice the watermark thing in my pictures? Well I upload them onto Instagram so if you want to find me there my name is khowell93
P.S.S.S. Want to talk? I know I do! kik me at khowell11

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